electronic poster, Padlet, distance learning, blended learning, film lesson, linguistic and cultural studiesAbstract
The article is devoted to the description of an electronic educational poster created on one of the popular open platforms on the Internet and used as a way to implement educational activities in a distance or mixed (full-time) format of teaching Russian to bilingual technical students. Working with an electronic educational poster appears to be both an effective method of teaching Russian as a foreign language to bilingual students in general, and a convenient way to communicate in Russian and get acquainted with Russian culture. Like any innovative technique, an electronic educational poster is not the main one, providing fundamental knowledge in the discipline being studied, but an auxiliary tool that increases the motivation of students and increases their knowledge in the field of Russian vocabulary and grammar. The authors of the article describe the algorithm for creating an electronic educational poster, and also share practical recommendations for working with it. The article also presents the development of a film lesson based on the popular feature film “Yolki” by T. Bekmambetov among young people, used in classes with bilingual students studying Russian as a foreign language and cultural linguistics using an electronic educational poster; examples of materials and tasks posted on the poster are given.
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